Waking Up Dead


Waking Up Dead was the first production from Safeword written by Wendy Walker.  This powerful play aims to raise awareness of the devastating effects of coercive control within an abusive relationship.  It shows how heinous crime impacts on family, neighbours and even the family pet. 

Actor and domestic abuse survivor Jenifer Gilmour provided this review of the production:

"I have to commend the actress playing Sandra who held a chilling and disturbing monologue that takes you through the first moments of her relationship with Paul right through to an event 5 years in. 

For survivors this will certainly be triggering but this is also a testament to the unsettling piece of acting. 

This production has a very powerful message and the last section with the police officer really spoke truth into Sandra’s situation; she was already dead.  A blunt but honest account and it reminded me of a relative who once turned around and said to me ‘It was like you had died, you’ve come back from the dead’. A realisation that it consumed me as a person and changed my personality - identity theft in a different way. 

If you have a chance to watch this production of Waking up Dead, I would take it, it stirs up emotions and thoughts."

You can also read this 4-star review (writen by Chris Omaweng) of this production here.

A film recording of this production is available; please contact us for more information

Photo:  © Sarah Ferrara (www.sarahferrara.com)

Watch a preview of this powerful play